October 2022
How Has Customer Experience Changed in the Tourism Industry? A Look at Before, During and After COVID-19
Posted by TravelPulse, on 11 October 2022 11:58 PM ET
The adage goes that if an occurrence happens once, it’s chance. Twice, it’s a coincidence. Three times makes it a trend.
What about four, five, six times or more? A craze? Fashionable? Repetitive?
Whatever it is, the travel industry is caught up in a sudden wave of free offers, discounts, and incentives being offered by everything from specific destinations to airlines to cruises.
A region in northern Italy has a train ticket bargain. Fares for cruise line bookings have become so cheap – and incentives like free drinks and excursions being thrown in – that a story recently circulated about some people who have booked back-to-back weekly cruises just to turn off their power and other utilities to save on bills.
So, TravelPulse asked our trusted travel advisors to weigh in on what has seemingly become de rigueur over the last few weeks.
Hong Kong, which recently lifted its strict COVID-related travel policies, is open for business again and has an airline deal. Well, more than just a ‘deal’ – it’s free plane fare.
“It’s an interesting question,” says Kelly Nadir, travel agent and owner of New Day Travels in California. “Suppliers are trying to entice those that are still hesitant to travel but can’t pass up an amazing deal.”
Stephen Scott, Luxury Travel Advisor at Chicago’s Pro Travel International, also said supplier issues are driving part of this trend of deals and incentives.
Suppliers of all kinds are dealing with is basically considered a ‘perishable product,’ Scott noted.
“So, if a room is not sold by the departure date it’s a lost sale. Their revenue management teams can see ahead if there is open space that is not seemingly being filled on pace,” Scott said. “As a travel agency, we don’t have that sort of restriction to deal with. We can simply sell another product, or another date, and it doesn’t affect us the same way. So, they may be offering promotions, but to where, and when is the key. They may be trying to expand wave season. I would if I were them after such a rough period.”
Emerald Cruises decided to launch wave season early with a new promo. Since wave season kicks off in January of the new year, it's quite the early launch here for Emerald Cruises, but that's where the industry is now.
In the case of Hong Kong, for instance, Scott said “You cannot factor out competition from non-cruise destinations that are now open, and in even higher demand.”
Nadir, of New Day Travel, agreed.
“Suppliers in regions that have not had the success that the larger, more-known sites have, are trying to get in the travel frenzy,” she said. “(They do) not want to miss the opportunity to make long-term connections.”
That would explain the recent incentive coming from officials in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region in Northern Italy. Area officials are offering to refund train fare to travelers to the area who arrive via the Trenitalia line and book at least two hotel night stays in cities like Trieste and Udine.
But the region is not as well-known as the many other areas of Italy.
“The region’s name is long, complicated to pronounce and is often overlooked, but it should definitely be on everyone’s radar,” says Robin Locker-Lacey, owner of New York-based Melange Travel and a specialist on travel to Italy and France. “As one of the least-visited regions, it's a perfect destination for those who want to avoid crowds, mingle with locals, and see a unique part of Italy tourists normally skip.”
If the destination decides to follow up on the train travel offer with something extra, Locker-Lacey said there’s plenty to choose from. A marketing campaign could include something for history and culture buffs, for sure.
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