Luminosity: Illuminating Possibilities Towards Partnership Sustainability
November 24, 2022 | UST
The Tourism Knowledge Center (TKC) of Rajah Travel Corporation received a partnership award from the University of Santo Tomas - College of Tourism and Hospitality Management (UST - CTHM) through an event entitled “Luminosity: Illuminating Possibilities Towards Partnership Sustainability” held last November 24, 2022 at the Buenaventura Garcia Paredes, O.P. Building, University of Santo Tomas, in recognition of :
1. The deep sense of trust, commitment, unwavering support, and kind participation as a UST CTHM collaborative partner in promoting topnotch, world-class Thomasian Tourism and Hospitality Education through sustainable research and extension service; and
2. Promoting and sustaining the culture of research in the Philippine Tourism and Hospitality academic community during the 1st Tourism Knowledge Center Academe Partners’ Research Training Seminar – Workshop Day 2
Thank you, UST College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
#CTHMLuminosity #IlluminatingPossibilities #SilabProductions
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