April 2018
Evaluation of job creation in G20 countries
At the request of the Argentinian Tourism Ministry, WTTC is honoured to present this evaluation of the opportunities for job creation through the use of technology across the G20 countries.
The future of our sector has huge potential to capitalise on the desires of the developing middle classes to see the world. The UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) suggests that international travellers will increase from a current 1.3 billion per year to 1.8 billion in the next 12 years and the latest forecasts from IATA show a doubling of air passengers from 4 billion to 7.8 billion by 2036. Over the next decade, we expect Travel & Tourism’s contribution of global GDP to grow to 11.7% and millions more jobs will be supported by the sector.
This White Paper shows that the current strong performance of T&T combined with the growth forecasts means that there is an urgent need for investment in infrastructure to support future growth if the potential of the sector to generate economic growth and create jobs is to be realised.