August 2020
Global Protocols for the New Normal – Insurance
The FAQs and suggested guidelines for the Insurance industry were compiled based on input from leading companies, many of which have partnered with trusted experts in public health and governments to support safe, healthy, and responsible travels. The objective of these guidelines is to promote consistent standards across all relevant functions with an increased focus on health & safety, in line with what travellers need and expect.
This document seeks to provide practical insights and guidelines around insurance for the T&T private sector to equip them with the knowledge of risks, what insurance coverage they need to look for, and how to attain appropriate coverage for their needs.
Insurance is an important part of the Travel & Tourism experience, providing peace of mind and risk mitigation to consumers, suppliers, and organisations across the Travel & Tourism sector. It is different from other products or services within the Travel & Tourism sector. The content has been grouped under four pillars to indicate their current status, associated challenges, and forward-thinking recommendations:
1. Insurance Overview
2. Travel & Health Insurance
3. Employee Coverage
4. Property & Casualty Insurance
It should be noted that this document addresses issues with accompanying complexities that will require thorough research and examination by the organisational insurance purchaser. This document is not meant to serve as an exhaustive list of considerations, or as specific coverage advice which can only be provided by authorised insurance professionals within jurisdiction, but rather a foundational information piece for Travel & Tourism organisations to better navigate insurance in the COVID-19 world.
As a multi-faceted and complex service with varying regulations, depending on each country or in some cases by province or state, organisations will need to review their current coverage areas and limits, and conduct thorough research on their needs and the options available to them, to ensure they get the appropriate insurance coverage moving forward. Note also that these recommendations are subject to change based on developments of the epidemiological situation.
It is important that insurance purchasers verify whether existing policies cover COVID-19 / Pandemic-associated losses as well as whether any new policies that are being reviewed or purchased include coverage for COVID-19 / pandemics.