April 2017
Maximizing Opportunities for Business Travel Growth
The Study - Looks at where business travel benefits countries most and where the highest levels of business travel growth is taking place around the world.
In 2016, US1.2 trillion was spent on business travel around the world, representing nearly one quarter (23%) of total Travel & Tourism spending. Business travel, which includes all trips that are undertaken by employees on behalf of their companies or organizations, is an important stimulator of economic growth and employment as it is integral to the relationships, investments, supply chains and logistics that support international commerce.
The report helps both public and private bodies make the right decisions for the future opportunities for business travel and of a sustainable Travel & Tourism sector. It also provides an understanding of the global and societal context in which companies must operate to maximize the opportunities for their businesses and their travelling employees. Five ways have been identified in which companies that facilitate and provide services for business travel need to work together with destinations and governments and with their travelling customers to fully maximize the value and opportunity of the industry for wider economic and social development: Invest in technology Reduce visa burdens Invest in infrastructure Take cyber security seriously Meet the needs of the business traveler