August 2018
Public–private partnership framework for sustainable geopark development
Geoparks represent their respective location’s geoheritage, and contain geosites that have high educational, aesthetic, scientific, cultural, and touristic importance (Turner, 2006). Through geotourism, geoparks may act as a tool for socio-economic development and cultural sustainability especially in rural areas (Farsani et al., 2011, 2012). In establishing geoparks, “a strong concept, political will with financial long-term support, and professional management structures” (Frey et al., 2006: 115), should be present. We aim to propose a sustainable geopark development framework based on a
public–private partnership (PPP). PPP is a cooperative arrangement between the government and private enterprises in the provision of public infrastructure and services, which is created by balancing the risks, advantages, responsibilities, investments, and profits for stakeholders (Hueskes et
al., 2017). This management framework may utilise the strengths, and has the potential to improve the relationship of the government and private sectors in geopark development particularly in developing countries where funds for and capacity to develop such projects are limited (Ly and Xiao, 2016), or where a “weak interaction” between these sectors is present (Cortez and Rivera, 2016: 2). Through a case study of Masungi Georeserve in the Philippines, we aim: (1) to illustrate a PPP model adopted in geopark development; and (2) to develop a framework to strengthen the partnership of the public and private sectors in the sustainable development and management of geoparks in developing economies.